Her Scottish Alpha

Ebook360A steamy werewolf romance in the Colliding Worlds series from New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Tabitha Conall…

A dragon slayer, an alpha werewolf and a war.

Dragon slayer Keira Harlow is on a job when everything goes wrong. Her twin sister and partner disappears and worse, Keira herself gets nabbed by a werewolf who turns her on in a most disturbing way.

Deep in negotiations with a dragon shifter, Scottish and UK Alpha Lachlan MacPherson doesn’t expect his mate to barge into his home uninvited but when she does, there’s no way he’ll let her go.

While searching for Keira’s sister, a bigger problem arises–the English Alpha wants the position of UK Alpha which Lachlan holds by right of birth and he’s not above going to war to get it. If that weren’t enough, Keira has to find a way to get herself out of the situation with Lachlan. He might think they’re mates but she knows it can never be.

This 35,000+ word long book is the third in the Colliding Worlds series. HEA included.

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Damon opened his mouth to answer but at that moment the doors flew open, crashing against the wall. One of the werewolf guards skidded across the floor toward the table where Damon and Lachlan stood. Behind him strode two women, all in black leather, their dark hair falling straight and smooth down their backs. Twins. No doubt about it. But what the hell were they doing breaking into his Great Hall?

“Damon Knightley,” one of the women said, her voice loud.

“Shit.” Damon stripped his clothes off as fast as he could.

If he was getting ready to shift, the women must be trouble. “What the hell?” The table Lachlan stood behind reached several yards on either side, far too long to go around. So he vaulted it, landing beside Damon just as Damon hopped on one foot, trying to pull his pants off the other.

The two women neared. “We just want to talk,” one of them said. Her voice sent a sensual shudder of arousal through Lachlan. Again, what the hell?

“The hell you do.” Damon dropped the last of his clothing then vaulted into the air, his arms erupting into obsidian-colored scaled wings, his body quadrupling in size. He hovered in the air above them.

Thank the Gods for the tall ceilings.

The two women drew weapons, a semi-automatic in one hand and a dirk—a long dagger—in the other. They watched Damon, their identical chins tipped upward at exactly the same angle.

“Get down here!” the first woman said. Her voice didn’t move him.

Damon flew, flapping his wings and stirring the air. As he headed for the wide open double doors, a scent blew across Lachlan’s nose.

His cock grew instantly, painfully hard. He’d never smelled the scent before but he had no doubt what it was.

His mate.

Where before he had seen two women, exactly the same, now he could tell them apart. His mate’s scent marked her as though she had a flashing sign over her head saying “This one. This is the one.” Lachlan headed for her.

Then everyone moved. The women realized Damon was planning to escape through the door. They ran after him. Lachlan knew he couldn’t let his mate get away or he might never see her again. He pushed a little faster and managed to snag her around the waist just before she reached the doorway. Her sister sped after the dragon, not seeming to realize she was alone.

His mate screamed. She struggled, elbowed him, tried to smash her head back into his face–which he narrowly evaded–and nearly stuck him with the dirk.

“Stop,” he said. He didn’t want it to go like this. “I just want to talk.”

“You’re letting him get away,” she hissed.

“He’ll be back. What I’m doing is not letting you get away. Ye need to stay.” She wasn’t a wolf; it was easy enough to tell that much. This would all be much easier if she were a wolf. But he wasn’t sure what she was. She seemed to be human and yet more. He’d never seen a human fight the way she did, and with such strength. And her scent–besides being the most luscious, decadent thing he’d ever smelled in his life–seemed not quite human either.

She twisted in his arms until she could look into his eyes. Hers were dark brown and deep. He could drown in them.

“Let me go,” she said.

“I canna.”

“Sure you can. Look, I’m sorry about your little guards there, but they got in the way. They’ll wake up soon enough.” When he didn’t answer, preferring to continue gazing at her instead, she said, “I haven’t broken any laws. You have no right to hold me.”

“Och, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ve broken a good many laws. But that’s not why you’re stayin’. You’re stayin’ because you’re the other half of my soul and I aim to keep you with me.”

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    Next up: I’m editing on His Dragon Heart, a long shifter romance novella set in the Colliding Worlds series that tells the story of Gillian (Keira’s sister) and the dragon shifter Damon, who kidnapped Gillian at the beginning of Her Scottish Alpha.  I’m also working on the rough draft of Long Night’s Moon, the next book in the Mad Wolf’s Harem series.

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