Her Forbidden Alpha: Interview with Darius

Darius from Her Forbidden Alpha was good enough to sit down with me for an interview. Enjoy!



Tabitha: Before you met Aislinn, did you believe in love at first sight? What did you think you would feel or experience when you met your mate? How did meeting Aislinn match up with your expectations?


Darius: Shifters fall in lust at first sniff. I expected that. I didn’t expect my feelings to grow so quickly though. She knocked me on my ass the second I saw her.


Tabitha: Would you consider yourself basically optimistic or pessimistic?


Darius: I’m usually optimistic. For instance, I refuse to believe we can’t find peace with the human supremacists, even if they do want to wipe us out.


Tabitha: What is your greatest fear?


Darius: After experiencing what it’s like to be away from my mate, thinking I’d never see her again, losing her is my biggest fear. I couldn’t live without Aislinn, and I wouldn’t want to.


Tabitha: What does it feel like to lead all of the werewolves in North America? Any fears there?


Darius: You’re asking me things I’d only reveal to Aislinn. I can’t admit to fear about leading or I’ll be challenged left and right. Let’s just say I’m proud of my wolves and want to do the best by them.


Tabitha: I don’t have to tell you that there are groups out there who hate werewolves. Is there anything you want to say to them?


Darius: Give us a chance. We’re human, too.


Tabitha: That’s a good segue… how does it feel to have the General for a father-in-law?


Darius: We haven’t seen him since Aislinn left him for me. I wish Aislinn didn’t have to have this rift with her family but I can’t regret not having to deal with him.


Tabitha: Last question. Rumors are flying that we’ll be colliding with another world very soon. What preparations have you made for the Collision?


Darius: Ha ha ha. You can’t expect me to give up our secrets. The shifters have plans to secure and protect our interests. That’s all I can say without breaking treaties.


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