My Sexy Saturday: Sexy Into You

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It’s been a while since I did My Sexy Saturday. I’m happy to be back! 🙂 Below are 7 paragraphs from my novella Her Scottish Alpha which will be released next week as part of the Highland Shifters bundle. In this world (as in many others) werewolves have a superior sense of smell–and this SUV is full of werewolves.


Lachlan squeezed her leg again causing a rush of desire to flow through her.

“You shouldn’t keep doing that.” She spoke so softly she almost couldn’t hear herself. “This SUV has a lot of prying noses too.”

His brow crinkled. She knew the moment he got it because he broke out in a grin and got a wicked twinkle in his eyes. “We should have dinner in our room tonight.”

“We’re talking about the war over dinner.” She turned his hand over and placed hers in it–to keep him from squeezing her leg again. And that was the only reason.

“We can meet about the war and then get dinner.” He threaded his fingers through hers.

“The meeting could take a while.”

“We’ll make sure it doesn’t.” He lifted their joined hands and placed a kiss on the back of hers. “I can talk verra fast if I have to.”

Join the Highland Shifters release event on Facebook to join in our Facebook party on September 18!


1 Comment

  1. Elsa Holland says:

    Very nice, love to comfortableness they have together.

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